Tuesday, April 14, 2020

An appraisal of UK’s opposition to the proposed EU Financial Transaction Tax The WritePass Journal

An appraisal of UK’s opposition to the proposed EU Financial Transaction Tax Introduction An appraisal of UK’s opposition to the proposed EU Financial Transaction Tax . ft.com/intl/cms/s/financial-transaction-tax.html telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/9072297/Rebalancing-the-financial-transactions-tax-debate.html Huizinga, H., J. Voget and W. Wagner, 2011, International taxation and cross-border banking, European Banking Center, Discussion paper, No. 2011-015. IMF, 2010, Financial Sector Taxation, IMF’s report to the G-20 and Background Material, Chapter 7. Keen, M., 2011, Rethinking the taxation of the financial sector, CESifo Economic Studies, 57, 1, 2011. Matheson, T., 2011, Taxing Financial Transactions: Issues and Evidence, IMF Working Paper 11/54. McCulloch, N. and G. Pacillo, 2011, The Tobin Tax: A Review of the Evidence, working paper. Schulmeister, S., M. Schratzenstaller, and O. Picek, 2008, A General Financial Transaction Tax, Motives, Revenues, Feasibility and Effects, Report commissioned by Ecosocial Forum Europe, co-financed by Federal Ministry of Finance and Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour, Vienna: WIFO Wagner, W., 2010, In the Quest of Systemic Externalities: A Review of the Literature, CESifo Economic Studies, 2010, Vol. 56, pp. 96-111.

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